



 Sure the money was great. At least $200,000 to start with. Double that in five years as a senior associate. Double it again in seven years as a junior partner. Well over a million bucks a year at the age of thirty-five as a full partner with a future filled with even higher earnings. P72




 “Guess what happens if they don’t spend the amount they budget, if their legal fees fall short? Their in-house lawyers monitor out billings, and if our numbers are low, they call up and raise hell. What are we, the lawyers, doing wrong? Aren’t we properly protecting them? The point is, they expect to spend the money. If we don’t take it, then it screws up their budgets, they get worried, and maybe they start looking around for another firm, one that will work harder at billing them. You follow?” p232-233

 「顧客が法務費用の予算を使いきれなかったらどうなるか考えてみろ。顧客の社内弁護士はわれわれの請求額を監視していて、われわれからの請求額が低いと、電話してきてどなりつける。何か問題があるのか?ちゃんと守ってくれているのか? つまり顧客は金をつかうことを期待しているんだ。もし、われわれがカネをつかわないと、予算を狂わすことになり、客は不安になる。そして、おそらく客は、もっと報酬を請求する法律事務所を探すだろう。分かるか?」

