



 水の都ベネチアにも筆者は飛び、当時はまだ未完成だった海水をせき止める巨大水門プロジェクトを取材したり、マンハッタンで策定されている浸水を防ぐための巨大壁プロジェクトの担当者に話を聞いたりする。2012年10月にハリケーン・サンディがニューヨーク市を直撃した時には、8万8000棟のビルに浸水し、44人が死亡、190億ドルの損害が生じた。世界の金融の中心であるウォール街を抱える超リッチなニューヨークでさえ海面上昇への備えが急務なのだ。 しかし、人工物で海面上昇に対応することの限界を、日本の例をひいて指摘する。

For one thing, as the flawed assumptions behind the design of the MOSE barrier in Venice have revealed, there's always a question about what level of protection the barrier is designed to provide. Residents of Kamaishi, Japan, thought they were safe behind a mile-long, twenty-foot-high steel-and-concrete seawall. But when a thirty-foot-high tsunami hit the region in 2011, the seawall crumbled and 935 Kamaishi residents died. Lower Manhattan and Japan are not directly comparable, if for no other reason than the fact that Lower Manhattan is not exposed to tsunamis. But whenever you build a wall, there is always the risk that Mother Nature won’t respect the design specifications.



On coasts and in shallow bays around the world, enormous dredging machines are pumping sand and gravel out of the bottom of the sea and creating new land. You can see it in the South China Sea, where China is rapidly turning coral reefs into islands to support military bases, airstrips, and port facilities. Since its independence in 1965, Singapore has expanded its size by almost a quarter, from 244 square miles to 277 square miles. Japan has reclaimed more than 100 square miles of land in Tokyo Bay alone.


