


 As Reagan’s presidency unfolded, I also appreciated his focus on a handful of overarching themes, such as reining in the intrusiveness of government, building a strong national defense, and cutting taxes. I knew the previous administration had left a legacy of soaring unemployment, sky-high taxes, and rampant inflation. Reagan’s plan for growing our economy made common sense: reduce reliance on government by cutting taxes and putting more money into the hands of the people who earned it. (p46)



 I had read both major party platforms, and the GOP just made sense for someone like me, a believer in individual rights and responsibilities rather than heavy-handed government; in free market principles that included reward for hard work; respect for equality; support for a strong military; and a belief that America is the best country on earth. (p45)




 But I didn’t believe in the theory that human beings originated from fish that sprouted legs and crawled out of the sea. Or that human beings began as single-celled organisms that developed into monkeys who eventually swung down from the tress; I believed we came about through a random process, but were created by God.
  “But your dad’s a science teacher,” Schmidt objected.
  “Then you know that science proves evolution.”
  “Parts of evolutions,” I said. “But I believe that God created us and also that He can create an evolutionary process that allows species to change and adapt.” (p217、一部挿入句を省略)


