


 When he arrived in Crawford, Koizumi and George walked out to our pool and sat side by side, talking for two hours. That kind of conversation, the personal give-and-take, was difficult to have inside the White House, with a legion of staff or formal seating arrangements. The following afternoon we had a cookout with hamburgers made from Texas beef. When I next saw the Japanese prime minister, he raised his arm and made a muscle, telling me, “That hamburger made me strong. I went home to do political battle, and I was strong because of that hamburger.” (p291)



 He is a huge fan of Elvis, so we had planned a trip to the King’s home, Graceland. Waiting on the front steps to take us through the house were Priscilla and Lisa Marie Presley, and when Koizumi saw them, he began singing the Elvis classic “Love Me Tender” to Priscilla. After the tour, we stopped for lunch at the famed Memphis barbecue restaurant the Rendevous, where Koizumi donned big gold sunglasses, hopped up on the stage, and asked a three-piece band to play the Elvis hit “ I Want You, I Need You, I Love You,” while his face beamed and he sang along. He was overjoyed. As a gift, we gave him a 1950s jukebox filled with songs by Elvis and other rock’n ‘ roll classics. (p373)

 「小泉首相はエルビス・プレスリーの大ファンで、ロックの王様が暮らしたグレースランドへの旅を企画した。玄関口の階段で(プレスリーの元妻と娘の)プリシラとリサ・マリーに出迎えられて、小泉首相はプレスリーのヒット曲『ラブ・ミー・テンダー』をプリシラに向かって歌い始めた。グレースランドを案内した後、メンフィスの有名なバーベキューレストラン『ランデブー』にランチをとりに寄った。レストランでは小泉首相が大きな金色のサングラスをかけてステージに飛び上がり、3人組のバンドにエルビスのヒット曲“I Want You, I Need You, I Love You,”を演奏するよう頼んだ。小泉首相はにこやかに笑いながら曲にあわせて歌った。大喜びしていた。贈り物として、エルビスなどのロックの有名な歌を収めた1950年代のジュークボックスを小泉首相にプレゼントした」

