


 By 1940, eight years after the New Deal was launched, the U.S. unemployment rate was still hovering around 15 percent. Wow, that is some success story! To put that into perspective, it would be like the United States having a 15-percent unemployment rate in 2016 and everyone celebrating the success of Obamanomics. (p201)

 「ニューディール政策を導入して8年たった1940年になっても、アメリカの失業率はまだ15%前後で高止まりしていた。すごい、大成功だ! 今後に置き換えてみると、2016年になってもアメリカの失業率が15%で、それでも全国民がオバマノミクスの成功を祝うようなものだ」



 Believe it or not, during the New Deal, the federal government actually burned fields of crops in order to reduce the supply of food and keep prices high so that farmers’ incomes would also stay high. (No, I’m not making this up.) Meanwhile, as the government was destroying crops, cities were filled with tens of thousands of Americans who were going to bed hungry each night thanks to a lack of jobs and cheap food. (p202)



 “Okay, well what about Japan? Their government had to spend a lot to get out of the ‘lost decade.’ ” (p202)

 「オーケー、だけど日本はどう? 日本政府は失われた10年から脱却するために多額のお金を使わなきゃならなかったよね」


 Japan tried eight ―yes, eight fiscal –stimulus plans in the 1990s and early 2000s to end their nearly two-decade-long depression that began in 1991. They basically paved over the whole island with public-works program and then started paving over the ocean (literally) to build “the world’s most expensive airport” once they got done with that. (中略) In 1991, the Japanese Nikkei stock index stood at 30,000. By 2007, after spending equivalent of at least $1.4 trillion (in today’s U.S. dollars) on stimulus packages, the Nikkei was at 12,000. After 16 years of government pump priming, sixty percent of the country’s financial wealth had disappeared. (p202-203)

 「日本は1990年代から2000年代初めにかけて、8回、そう8回もの景気対策を実施した。1991年に始まった20年近い不況を終わらせるためにだ。日本列島を公共工事でくまなく舗装し、それが終わると、文字通り海を舗装し始めた。“世界で最も高価な空港”を建設するために。(中略) 1991年に日経平均株価は3万円だった。現在の米ドルの貨幣価値にひきなおして1兆4000億ドルの資金を景気対策に投じながらも、2007年で日経平均は1万2000円だった。16年にわたり政府が公共工事を作り出した後でも、日本の富は60%が消えてしまったのだ」

