


 The president of a large Japanese real estate firm was another. He’d sent Eisman his company’s financial statements and then followed, with an interpreter, to solicit Eisman’s investment. “ You don’t even own stock in your company,” said Eisman, after the typically elaborate Japanese businessman introductions. This interpreter conferred with the CEO.
  “In Japan it is not customary for management to own stock,” he said at length.
  Eisman noted that the guy’s financial statements didn’t actually disclose any of the really important details about the guy’s company; but, rather than simply say that, he lifted the statement in the air, as if disposing of turd. “ This ….this is toilet paper,” he said. “ Translate that.”
  “ The Japanese guy takes off his glasses,” recalled a witness to the strange encounter. “His lips are quavering. World War Three is about to break out. ‘Toy-lay paper? Toy-lay paper? ‘” (p4-5)

  その場に居合わせた人は次のように証言している。『その日本の社長は眼鏡を外し、唇を震わせていた。第3次世界大戦が勃発しかねなかった。“トイレペーパー? トイレペーパー?”と言っていたよ』」


 What the words actually revealed was that the CEO himself didn’t really understand the situation. John Mack was widely regarded among his CEO peers as relatively well informed about his bond firm’s trading risks. After all, he was himself a former bond trader, and had been brought in to embolden Morgan Stanley’s risk-taking culture. Yet not only had he failed to grasp what his traders were up to, back when they were still up to it; he couldn’t even fully explain what they had done after they had lost $9 billion. (p218-219)




