Despite the incalculable loss of life, there remains no government-sanctioned memorial in Japan to the March 9 attack. Survivors of that night, who call themselves “memory activists,” have struggled to commemorate the Tokyo raid in the face of political and public apathy. Eventually they funded their own memorial―the Center of the Tokyo Raids and War Damage.
The historian Conrad Crane told me:
I actually gave a presentation in Tokyo about the incendiary bombing of Tokyo to a Japanese audience, and at the end of the presentation, one of the senior Japanese historians there stood up and said, “In the end, we must thank you, Americans, for the firebombing and the atomic bombs.”
That kind of took me aback. And then he explained: “We would have surrendered eventually anyway, but the impact of the massive firebombing campaign and the atomic bombs was that we surrendered in August.”
In other words, this Japanese historian believed: no firebombs and no atomic bombs, and the Japanese don't surrender. And if they don't surrender, the Soviets invade, and then the Americans invade, and Japan gets carved up, just as Germany and the Korean peninsula eventually were.